The moment you meet the harpy character played by Caitlin Crommett, you want to see her get the ax like the man in the opening scene by the disfigured character who stalks her and boyfriend Christopher Lee Page at the cabin they stay at in the woods. There's a reason why certain types of modern young women are disliked because they are unpleasant from the start, and all she does is be unpleasant and roll her eyes and speak in an oiled vocal fry, and there's a reason why Page ends up drinking and driving when they stopped at a convenience store for a minute. Does the audience really want to sympathize for 90 minutes with a character of this nature in a dangerous situation? A definite no. In fact, they wouldn't blame Page for turning on her with an axe as well.When you create a thriller with anyone in a precarious predicament that puts them in danger, you want to have a little bit of sympathy. As unpleasant as Barbara Stanwyck's character was in "Sorry Wrong Number", you understood her motivations, and there was nothing like that here. Within 10 minutes, I was thoroughly disgusted by the horrible screenplay and lousy direction and especially Crommett's juvenile spoiled nasty poor excuse for a female, and trying to get into it further only made me angrier. This is the type of film that isn't even worth saving as a drink coaster or showing to an audience of writers as a lesson of "Don't let this happen to you." In fact, I would have to say that this is probably one of the worst thrillers I've ever made an attempt to watch and find some patients with. I'm afraid that there might be some toxic waste from all the DVD copies that are thrown away after people attempt to watch it because it truly is that vile.
Sven (Erik Kammerland) kills a man (Thomas Hedengran) and occupies his farm. Meanwhile, Harry (Christopher Lee Page) and Rose (Caitlin Crommett) are on their way to a remote cabin for a getaway week. They have issues and do whatever they can to irritate the other one. Rose prefers the smell of urine on the city sidewalk to the country. The bickering sometimes gets physical and he drops the "C" word on her. Neither are likable.In order to reach the cabin, they must park their car and borrow a rowboat guessed it, the only other living character in the script. Now why he is killing is unknown. They did the stop at the gas station with weird people scene. It didn't tie into the film. They also stopped the car and Harry had an odd look around. Again it didn't tie into anything.The film goes through the basic motions of a cabin in the woods film but forgot to create a decent backstory.Guide: swearing. Implied sex. no nudity.
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