Anne was just going to ask what his life-book was when the First Matecreated a diversion by springing upon Captain Jim's knee. He was agorgeous beastie, with a face as round as a full moon, vivid greeneyes, and immense, white, double paws. Captain Jim stroked his velvetback gently.
Full text book downloads Dreams Come to Life
It was an old leather-bound book filled with the record of his voyagesand adventures. Anne thought what a treasure trove it would be to awriter. Every sentence was a nugget. In itself the book had noliterary merit; Captain Jim's charm of storytelling failed him when hecame to pen and ink; he could only jot roughly down the outline of hisfamous tales, and both spelling and grammar were sadly askew. But Annefelt that if anyone possessed of the gift could take that simple recordof a brave, adventurous life, reading between the bald lines the talesof dangers staunchly faced and duty manfully done, a wonderful storymight be made from it. Rich comedy and thrilling tragedy were bothlying hidden in Captain Jim's "life-book," waiting for the touch of themaster hand to waken the laughter and grief and horror of thousands.
Make your words pop with this bold typographic style! This book template has an innovative layout that centers around photo backgrounds. In contrast, the text really stands out, making your words come to life.
Dare to be bold! Choose this book template with alternating white and red backgrounds and really wow your readers. This layout is fully editable, with space for both text and pictures. In other words, it has everything you need!
The Book in Three Sentences: Oliver Sacks was a brilliant physician and a fantastic writer. He lived a full life that included dealing with criticism over being gay, attending medical school at Oxford University, experimenting with heavy drug use, traveling the United States and Canada by motorcycle, suffering life-threatening injuries, squatting a California state record of 600 pounds, and being honored by the Queen of England for his many books and storied career as a physician. Sacks is a symbol of the importance of writing, the power of exploration and inquisitiveness, and the need for empathy. 2ff7e9595c